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Nadiad girls
Nadiad girls


Call Girls

location Gujrat / Nadiad

About me

⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ *1 Hours ➤ 2000* *2 Hours ➤ 3000* *3 Hours ➤ 4000* *4 Hours ➤ 5000* *Full nigh➤ 7000* *Full day ➤ 8000* ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ ● *IN/ OUTAVAILABLE* ● *After selecting the girl, you will have to book her.500 will be the booking amount which is required to be done.* ● *Booking is compulsory without booking not possible because many people only do time pass*. ● *if agree then type *ok* *then we send all details*.


  • 22
  • Female
  • Yes
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